
Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Just Follow . you will get your key!

A couple years ago I left from a church w/ my friend and was following his dad, I was supposing his dad was going some whereas else completely leaving me & him to figure out getting back to his house just us. we was following him the entire way there (about a 20-30 min drive) and when we are almost halfway my friend calls out something startling "I don't have a key to the house", that sets us in to panic mode .. It’s too hot out here for me to wait for his dad to get back! I honk and flash my lights and do everything short of ramming the back bumper for attention but he ignores me, I was like how can he do that & why would it seem like I am being completely ignored since having a key and all is extremely important. We follow his father through all kind of back roads to get to the wilderness country where they live. We get on their road and I finally figure it out... he pulls over and we get out going up to his vehicle... And he hands us the key we just spent the entire trip trying to figure out what we could do with out it.

the spiritual significance of this is simply when your following behind and your not sure where your going and your not sure where your key is, follow HIM & he will lead thee and guide thee, HE will open doors for you.

I am a horrible write, I guess an ok speaker BUT this simple message came to me a couple days later after this event, how we can see awesome messages of God in the simplistic events of life.

Have a good day!

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