
Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Knowing Body & Soul ...

yeah so the title dont make sense, and this will be a short post.

no scripture today but something to think upon! i enjoy my studies and posting them here but it is not complete enough to post here.

We should never fail to realize we are a immortal soul put in a mortal body. This flesh and present physical world will go but Lord Jesus and our Soul will always be around. What is physical cant become spiritual and what is spiritual cant become physical. Flesh wars against the "spirit man" (per say) and this is the reason the flesh nature should be subjected under the spiritual side.

There is more in existence then the physical world you see and you will never fully comprehend everything that is available or being offered until your "spirit man" is strong then your "physical man"

who is winning in you life? i believe the answer will be in who gets fed the most?

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