
Sunday, June 19, 2011

a short writing on The mystery of 3 AM

ok so maybe i have forgotten a bit (see previous post!). Here is something I looked into after a bit of wondering about it.
its approximately about 3 am at this writing. I am currently listening to "revelation song" by Phillips, Craig & Dean.
The reason i post the time of the writing is well, its the topic of the writing.

The mystery of 3 am is very dynamic, it is said in the health field at this time that if patients do not remain stable they will turn for the worse or get worse at this time. My belief is this is a very special time. here is how one internet poster puts this:
The witching hour is the hour of midnight on a full moon. It is at this time that the witches spell casting powers are at their fullest. It is a time of change and transformation.

The history of this may be traced to the ancient times of the worship of Goddesses associated with the moon and fertility. As the moon waxes in its phases so do the powers of those, until they culminate at the full moon.
It is said by many to be woken up exactly at this time with the urge to pray. It is believed that Jesus died at 3 pm, so the direct opposite of that on the 12 hour clock is 3 am. This is another theory that was introduced.

This is just something to look up and to study, there are many different theories on this and ideas. I may do a follow up post on this, but I did want to post something and although while not a true bible study it does share something I know some people question.

~ until next time!

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