
Sunday, June 8, 2008

insights on Former & Latter Rain

Rainfall happens in two grea cycles per year .. the spring rain & the autum rain. the interesting insight of the rain that alot of people dont take in to account is the spring rain (former rain) is a blanket rain, it covers the entire area and can rain three days straight. the Autumn rain (latter rain) is more of a selective rain but over all is more powerful. i started concentrating on this when i asked myself this roughly ' how can there be a great out pouring yet at the same time a great back sliding?' - that is through the selective rain. right now in aftrica there is a tremendous revival and its comming to America not and what a revival it will be! but the backsliding can happen while the church is getting revived through selective rain.

No real scripture today but look up the topic its a really good one!

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