
Monday, July 19, 2010

Thought for the day – Monday July 18,2010

i do not plan on doing this daily but i thought this would be nice to post since it was on my mind today… this is what i woke up thinking about and developed it while showering and wrote it down before i left for a clinical day. This was wrote at 5 am this morning, barely edited – so i hope it makes as much sense as it did typing it.

**I returned, and saw under the sun, that the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all.  ecc 9:11**

i woke up with this scripture on my mind today, i am not sure why. There are other quotes that come with this one - one is actually my favorite it is simply "don't take life too seriously no one gets out alive anyway". I have also read this scripture wrong a few times it thought it said "the race isn't too swift" and i interpreted it as humans are dumb, which may be true but its not in this scripture. Today's thought i guess is this is why patience & persistence is so valuable in a persons life ("patience you possess your soul").

The other thing i would like to allude to is a marathon on a track (goes around a football field ,  its 400 meters) and if you think of you raising against some one and start out at the same place (for theory finish line) the outer lanes do travel slower to do the distance different. each lane goes through the exact same areas and goes through curves and each have their own difficulty in different places.

Persistence & patience , because the race isn't to the swift!

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