
Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Prayer request and learning to be specific.

i had a tooth filled early august after a couple weeks it became infected. i remember being in the conference and taking my 2ND round of antibiotics and praying God to remove the pain. i haven't had any real pain since. over the weekend i had developed a bump on my gum - turned out to be an infection pocket. i will end up getting this tooth pulled BUT i will testify God made the tooth absolutely stopped hurting. the science behind this says the nerves around the tooth got immune to the infection and stopped hurting which maybe correct.

next time i pray for a healing/battle/trial/etc i will try to be as specific as possible BUT always ask for ALL to be done in HIS will, not ours.

so pray for this ordeal in the coming week or two - for the tooth savvy its tooth #31 on the dental chart.

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