
Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Money Talks - Randy Caldwell - NOTES!

these notes may have some issues but i wanted to write them and share with you all =D Originally i wanted to make my own blog post but i'll do that in the future, for now i'll let you hear an awesome  message on this topic!

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Money is one of the "hot topic" issues of today's church.  Views vary from "everyone should be rich" to "no one should be rich".  If one was to look at what the bible says, where does the bible set? How should you control this?

The first controversial ideology to look at is if money is good or evil.

Ecclesiastes 10:19 A feast is made for laughter, and wine maketh merry: but money answereth all things.

The scripture says money answereth all things. money is not the answer to all things but money answereth all things.  Money is not evil because if it was the devil would be dropping dump truck loads in your front yard.

Some says "money doesn't make you happy" but remember neither does poverty

*?*?* joy is a spirit, happiness is a happenstance. "you can't buy happiness" its because you don't know where to shop. it can bring happiness or sadness.

God wants you to be blessed. All of his red-letter and combine the scripture on heaven, hell, faith and healing all those combined he speaks more on money than those combined. 1 in 7 verses in luke is money. The devil's goal is to keep you bound financially because you can not do what you need to do for the kingdom of God if you are always worried about how you are always getting by. the only topic he talks more than money is the kingdom of God.

in the ecc 10:19 the hebrew word for money is a complex word means is that your money will talk about you and everything you do because your money participates in everything you do

ecc 7:12 says wisdom is a defense and money is a defense  - defense = money is a shade, it'll help you and shade you from the heat of life.

1 tim 6:10 the love of money is the root of all evil - the love it is, not money itself.  it's the root of every evil work.

psa 15:5 he who putteth not his money out for usury  - do not use your money to take advantage of some one else

money answereth all things, it's a relief and the love of it is the root of all evil and you should not use it to take advantage of anyone else.

So - money has no agenda.  money only changes in the hand of the holder.  Money does not have the ability to change people, money will bring to the surface what you been hiding. it's ok to have money as long as money don't have you.  it's innocent it dont have an agenda it's just an extension and testifies about you. it speaks volumes about who you are.

Jesus makes it clear in the rich young ruler  luke 18  scr scr  your money will expose you every time, money testifies about you. show me your checkbook and i'll show you where your god is. your money will tell on you and tell about you. where a mans' treasure is there is his heart also (scrp?)

pay attention to what your money is saying about you. is your mouth saying one thing and your billfold something else? no man can serve two master.  if you are not careful you will start to believe that money can do more for you than God can do for you.  there is nothing wrong with good bank account or retirement but when you are trusting on it more than god. Ive never seen the righteous forsaken or his seed begging for bread.  you can say all you want but if your giving does not show it you are lying.

quote: when the pastor gets up to take an offering and has to talk you into giving its because your heart is not where it needs to be

He said "i will supply.."   if you dont want to give because your bank account then you are more dependent on God that's where your god is.

Some see Tithe as a protection money and God is the mafia, this is not God this is religion. that's not true but this is your money will talk about you. money is an unspoken conversation,  Jesus set by the offering plate and watched their giving. Just by watching how they gave he knew where their heart was. their money told on them.  IF you go to hamilton place and spend $450 and then go to church and drop in $10 what is your money saying about you.

tithing - not just an OT issue.  Jesus said you tithe and you ought to (sp). speaking money makes people mad but those are the same people who don't give tithe anyway. Tithing is an OT issue but so is praise and worship.  You are hung up on OT issues because you think we got two books, we do not have two books.  there is no OT and NT , one prophesied who is coming the other one talks about what he fulfilled. it's one book not two.

we need to give - by why. God is not out to get you he is out to get you. The only place he promises to open the windows of heaven is when you give. If the windows of heaven is not open its 1) trial or 2) you are not giving.  if that trial has happened since 1992 it's not a trial you're just selfish and stingy.  when the preacher gets up and says your money will talk about you - when your heart changes the use of your money changes cause money is innocent.

when you see a man on on the street and give him $5 it's benevolence in your hands but in his it's beer.  the same $5 changes on who holds it.

matt 25 - for the kingdom of God (heaven) is like a man travelling into a far country.  called his servants and delivered the goods  talents  matt 25

5 talents - preach, sing, play piano, testify, trumpet, tap dance, do it all. the kind you love to hate.  He took wht God gave him and went and used it for the kingdom of God. He said he done what i could for the kingdom.  "well done"

2 talents - preach, couldn't play or dance, no rhythm and he takes his ability and does what he can and when he brings it back to the master. The EXACT SAME words .  it's not about amounts its about sacrifice. when you cast in big amounts trying to impress and the widow with 2 mites gave more because of his sacrifice.

When Jesus said give it all, what is your money saying.

you can not tell me how much you love God and not give. what is in your heart will come out when you get money in your hand. the 5 & 2 money didn't make them faithful, money just exposed it. the wicked slothful servant it just showed he was wicked and slothful.  money testifies of all things

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anything that is of value to you always gets your best, so for the believer your faith in God and your process of trusting God is not and can not be established until you are willing to depart with something of value.  Gen 22 before God called abram his friend he called him to take his son and give him back to God. "only son" is isaac. Abraham had faith in God and it was accounted unto him.

if your giving does not give 10% of your income you are a false pharisee walking in false religion. God told abram to stop because 'now i know' that means he meant he didn't know before you went to that point. you have a free will and tested and tried so god can trust you.

how did abram have that faith in god. gen 22:4 and on the 3rd day he lived his eyes and afar off he saw mt moriah and looked into the future and saw God give his son and saw him resurrect his son so abram said to the two young men and he said we'll be back.

st john 8:56 - your father abraham rejoiced to see my day and saw it and was glad.

james 2:14 -  what does it prophet to say faith and hath not works, can faith save him.

- faith without works is dead

- say all you want but what is your works saying if you say you have faith but you can not depart form it then your faith is dead. to give something of value is to testify of your faith.

you can not let the economy and the dow jones dictate your giving.


money: united states of america IN GOD WE TRUST.  before your money talks about you it is trying to talk to you. the money itself is saying dont depend on me.  if god wanted me to have money , i guess if he wanted you to brush your teeth he'd send that to you too.

there is not a dollar in heaven, there is no money in heaven - that's the currency of eerth. honor is the currency of heaven.

1 cor 16;1 now concerning the collection of the saints ...

so giving is an order, stop making it an option. ministers should not have to talk you into giving because it is an order. your giving reveals how your god has prospered you. it speaks volumes how your god is and your gods ability.

2 cor 16:2 first day of the week

- i am sick and tired and fed up having to raise money for things, i'm tired and weiry of convincing people to give.  we like to enjoy some one else's revelation- that's a freeloader.  you should have your mind made up that you were going to give tithe and offering before you showed up to church.

what you do first always determines what god does second.

your supply will hinge on ability to hear god's voice.  every man as he has purposed in his heart (2 cor 9:7)  to give a continual argument to. God loves a cheerful giver and your money is screaming volumes about you.

where a man's treasure is there his heart is also


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