i know i dont post on here as often as i should. i have been crazy busy with school lately and have had to invest more on that then what i have been doing on this blog.
i was listening to a message the other day about worship. Worship is an amazing thing and if you remember Lucifer was the leader or worship in heaven that ended up falling off the boat because of his pride and ego. lucifer had jewels on him and when he stood in God's light it would reflect amazingly. the message i was listening to brought out many points and God first and foremost wants worshipers and to do it fully and sincerely.
Bro Arnold offers my examples and one of which is even after david lost the baby he went and worshiped.
God will only accept full and sincere worship because anything less then that is putting other God's before him, so with that being understood those who worship him with all their heart, soul and mine must worship him in spirit and in truth.
Worship, not warship! God is amazing and when you turn your energy to worshiping doors open that was locked and bolted shut, things begin to happen but you must meet genuine worship first!