
Saturday, May 15, 2010

Apologies & some personal theory for you

This being may, i should have updated this at least a dozen times by now.  Sorry for those that check the blog, i may not know you read it but thanks :)

Now to the theory (2 fold): 

 Fall Lake (as an apology i give you a picture that i took last year)

(1) I have spend a few hours watching End-Time stuff today, and was just on the thought it. We are very close to a world government i believe and much of the world systems will come through environmentalism.  God (once again, my opinion) is upset with politics, and pride within the church. 

In my years of the church one thing always comes up which is disheartening, the failure of the church to forgive those coming into the church for the first time and those coming back. I know many people that it seems have “prayed through” almost weekly, and i will admit i joke about it but they will answer for their actions if they are not serious and i will answer if i am a stumbling block and do not have compassion, mercy, grace and long suffering toward them.  People need to identify with some one, i heard once its 8 significant relationships within the church,  with out identification and friends within the church you will most surely go back to where you was before the acceptance of Christ.

(2) The modern church i feel has lost what the original church had, and that is great burden for prayer, although today’s church is seeing a revival of outreach (thank you God for great evangelist showing people how to reach out!). There is one single theory i believe that should wake up people spiritually and truly give them something to reach for. This is simply that the spiritual always and will forever control the physical world. When we see our self as a soul inside of a body helping other soul’s in a body we will realize more the urgency to help that soul. Two things i find are true of people 1) they all have an ax to grind 2) they all have something wrong personally they are trying to fix. I know there are people that seem to have it all together. They are viewed as forever calm, cool and collective but inside and when no one is looking they are complete mess … everyone needs prayer but those who need is the most is the one’s who do not have Christ because a physical or a financial blessing will not effect your salvation but healing the soul will.

i start 8 hour days for 5 weeks at college the 24th, i will try to do a few more before then and try to update every so often during that time.


once again, sorry for the HUGE gap it was not intended and i plan on keeping this up to date somewhat. i do have a few in draft mode i have not posted yet and will post them later for sure

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