no scripture today ;)
No one is perfect, we have all fall short, we have all done imperfect and sometimes down right stupid things. I define a addiction as simply something you have urges to do and can not resist. Addictions we think of is Cigarettes, Drugs, gambling there are more but those are good examples. To the youth, middle aged & old folk i would like to help you - i know there are tons of stuff and tons of websites on how to help stop these but there are only five letters you need. first would be J , second would be E, third is S, fourth is another E, the last is S
J E S U S.
the reason i say this is i know that in my flesh dwell no good thing, men are born a few days and are full of trouble. I know that the Spirit & the flesh war against each other and to "smack down" the flesh you must make the spirit stronger - decrease so He can increase in you - Its through walking in the spirit that one can be come perfect - it would take total walking in the spirit to be totally perfect.
(no S&H fees!)
unlimited supply!
Below "I AM FREE" lyrics
sung by the News Boys
through You the blind will see
through You the mute will sing
through You the dead will rise
through You all hearts will praise
through You the darkness flees
through You my heart screams 'I am free'
I am free
I am free to run (I am free to run)
and I am free to dance (I am free to dance)
I am free to live for You (I am free to live for You)
I am free (I am free)
yes, I am free (I am free)
I am free!
I am free to run (I am free to run)
and I am free to dance (I am free to dance)
I am free to live for You (I am free to live for You)
I am free (I am free)
yes, I am free (I am free)
through You the blind will see
through You the mute will sing
through You the dead will rise
through You all hearts will praise
through You the darkness flees
through You my heart screams 'I am free'
(Peter Furler:)
»Are you free?
- I am free! -
Come on!«
and I am free to run (I am free to run)
and I am free to dance (I am free to dance)
and I am free to live for You (I am free to live for You)
I am free (I am free)
yes, I am free (I am free)
(Peter Furler:) »Oh, who the Son sets free is free indeed - do you believe that?«
Audience: »Yeah!«
(Peter Furler / Bridge:)
"As the first Adam's sweat surrounds my face,
may the last Adam's blood my soul embrace.
As the first Adam's sweat surrounds my face,
Lord, may the last Adam's blood my soul embrace." «
(Peter Furler / Preaching:)
"See, my servant will act wisely;
he will be raised and lifted up and highly exalted.
Just as there were many who were appalled at him -
his appearance was so disfigured beyond that of any man
and his form marred beyond human likeness -
so will he sprinkle many nations,
and kings will shut their mouths because of him.
For what they were not told, they will see,
and what they have not heard, they will understand."
"He was despised and rejected by men,
a man of sorrows, and familiar with suffering.
Like one from whom men hide their faces
he was despised, and we esteemed him not.
But surely he took up our infirmities
surely carried our sorrows,
yet we considered him stricken by God,
smitten by him, and afflicted.
But he was pierced for our transgressions,
[he was] crushed for our iniquities;
the punishment that brings us peace today was upon him,
and because of His wounds we are healed",
because of His wounds I am healed,
because of His wounds you are healed -
do you believe it?
Yeah! (13x)«
I am free to run (I am free to run)
I am free to dance (I am free to dance)
and I am free to live for You (I am free to live for You)
I am free (I am free)
Peter Furler: "Come on, one more time!" (I am free... I am free...)
I am free to run (I am free to run)
I am free to dance (I am free to dance)
and I am free to live for You (I am free to live for You)
I am free (I am free)
yes, I am free (I am free)
(Peter Furler / Preaching:)
»The hands of freedom stretching out to You
… hold out your hands for freedom …
freedom in your head
freedom in your heart
freedom in your marriage
freedom in your mind
freedom in your emotions
freedom in every area of life
the freedom comes through the blood
it comes through the Word, comes through the body, comes through the spiritual family
it comes through the presence of God.
The price has been paid,
freedom's price has been paid,
the price has been paid.«