
Monday, September 29, 2008

Last Sunday of Sept ..


Tonights service was great & i felt an awesome move of God through the service. Keri Jobe's "revelation song" really moved the congregation and God worked throught it.

i really enjoyed the service. Tonights message was on ... "its time to make a change" (mrk 1:14-41). The men had to move out of the ordinary life to Follow Christ. Are you tired of following ordinary and step in to your extra-ordinary with Jesus? He wants followers who are dedicated!
  • Prayer
  • Fasting
  • Bible Reading
  • Witnessing!!
REVIVAL IS COMMING .. was the thought i had about a month ago here is what i have figured out with people in revival
  1. Those comming to God for the first time
  2. Those backslid comming back
  3. Those LEADING it and prepared their selves to service before the *rain cloud* broke through
as for me and myself i dont know if i could forgive myself for not being #3. its time that we all get our lil ducks in a row, line everything up and purge your house, life, self, mind, soul, spirit, thoughts, posessions and get ready for whats comming.


til next time,

may have a tooth pulled .. plz pray or me!!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Prayer request and learning to be specific.

i had a tooth filled early august after a couple weeks it became infected. i remember being in the conference and taking my 2ND round of antibiotics and praying God to remove the pain. i haven't had any real pain since. over the weekend i had developed a bump on my gum - turned out to be an infection pocket. i will end up getting this tooth pulled BUT i will testify God made the tooth absolutely stopped hurting. the science behind this says the nerves around the tooth got immune to the infection and stopped hurting which maybe correct.

next time i pray for a healing/battle/trial/etc i will try to be as specific as possible BUT always ask for ALL to be done in HIS will, not ours.

so pray for this ordeal in the coming week or two - for the tooth savvy its tooth #31 on the dental chart.

Sunday, September 21, 2008

a biblical example even GOD uses!

Job 22:28 Thou shalt also decree a thing, and it shall be established unto thee: and the light shall shine upon thy ways.

read that then think up on the prophets and especially the first part of the bible (that would be Genesis chapter 1).

it works .. bible shows so.

this is a short message BUT i think a rather powerful one.

Saturday, September 13, 2008

poverty - vs - prosperity

a profound statement was made when i was at the conference in Huntington last month. we say to Africa
We pray for you in your poverty and they say no we pray for you in your prosperity

we prosper in material but we are in poverty in the spiritual matters, in africa it seems the direct opposite. when you stick your TV, computer, Internet, YouTube, car, materials in front of bible,prayer,fasting OR God in general THEN you have truly put an idol in your life and in your spiritual journey.

TRY THIS! unplug your TV for a full week, totally block it out and refuse to watch it for a week. one straight and solid week (seven whole days *GASP*). see how your walk with God is at the end versus the begging of the week. i am not ANTI-TV but i do feel it hinders a way too many "christians" in their walk with God.

God bless you & God bless his little planet full of stupid humans who think they know everything.

Pro 3:5-6 Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. (6) In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.


Thursday, September 11, 2008

today's thoughts

today is 9.11, its also my mother's Bf's Bday (41). in one week i shall be twenty-three. through life we have troubles and trials, but i have realized that man is stupid and its only through God directing our footsteps can we actually achieve the right things in this lil vapor of life we have (75 isnt that big when your looking at infinity plus one). man is as grass and man is as a vapor. we are here today and gone tomorrow, we are puny and even after a few days we are "full of trouble". Jesus Christ, the Messiah, the Alpha-Omega, Alev-Tav, the great and mighty one is how we received our hope, our salvation and hopefully our ordering steps.

how do you become perfect? walk in the spirit, the flesh is incapable of such thing but we are encouraged to be perfect.
How do you - walk by the spirit? Pray, Fast & read your bible. The bible is the sword. Prayer & Fasting is the way to remove unbelief and a way to subdue the flesh.

last thought: if - i may decrease, so he may increase

if me = 0% and he = 100% then he will call the shots, the flesh's desires will be ignored and God will GREATLY bless he that can do that (to those who have and can do that pray deeply for me!)

Thanks for reading,

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Building a Bridge for your enemy to cross over.

this is a quick thought @ 1:30 am in the morning, should be developed sometime. When you are saved you have the blood covering your sin, blotting it out, even more you are shielded by God (job 1:10). if we are walking by the spirit i believe we will walk perfect and uprightly. when we sin we break God's hedge and purpose, we head back in to our babylon, in to our egypt. we build Satan/ devil a bridge to get to where we are. why? for some fun? Sin will only last for a season - salvation lasts for ever.

do you want satan partying in your promise land?


purge your promise land and put him back where he belongs - burn that bridge and purge your sin!


Monday, September 8, 2008

the Rocket effect away from SIN // Sin -vs- Flesh

on planet earth, we have gravity that keeps up on the ground. try to jump, you will come back down. to get away from your sin you have to fire up your rockets and fly away from your sin. the hardest part of take off is at the very beginning and then it gets easier then finally you hit where you are completely separate form your sin. take off,ozone,space is it in the natural realm.

for you breaking addictions, habits and urges just remember keep keeping on. i believe that its through the spirit, not the flesh, that we truly win vistory over the sins of the flesh ( Adultery, fornication, uncleanness, lasciviousness, Idolatry, witchcraft, hatred, variance, emulations, wrath, strife, seditions, heresies, Envyings, murders, drunkenness, revellings, and such like) is to walk in the spirit. the spirit and the flesh war against each other and the flesh is full of corruption. in the flesh dwell no good thing, and its not within man (his flesh) to order his own foot steps. in short PEOPLE ARE STUPID, its only through God - you can acheive true perfection and thats putting away sins of the flesh.

Have addiction?
bad habits?
Walk in the spirit!

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